Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I Want More!

As I was sitting in church a few weeks ago I couldn't help but ask myself a question. What am I doing here? Ever since I was born I have been going to church. It can become just a routine activity. After the music part of the service was over my pastor began to preach. I kept thinking was that I wanted more! Not more music, not more preaching or more Sunday school time. Just more of Jesus. Going to church is okay but I want to see Jesus on a bigger level. I want to see more people feeling the love of my Savior. I want more people to experience the hope, grace, forgiveness, and peace of Jesus Christ.

I can go to church each Sunday and see all the regular people in the congregation. The people that come every week just as I do. They sit in the same pew as they did the last week and we do the same thing. But that isn't good enough for me. I want to see a new person or family enter the church doors every week. I want to minister to people I have never seen. I want to help the broken. I want to pray with the hurting. I want to show Christ-like love to God's people who don't know Him. I want people to see Christ working in my life!

There are too many people in my own town who don't know God on a personal level. Too many young adults with no hope for tomorrow. Too many families with broken hearts. There is a hurting world out there and I want to do something about it! I want more! I want to show more love to God's people! I want to live my life to the fullest! I want more! There is so much more to have in Christ and I want it!

1 comment:

  1. Oh how I want so much more of Him too! Just give me Jesus!
