Friday, April 22, 2011

Time to wake up!

I titled this post "Time to wake up" but last night I couldn't even fall asleep. I was thinking about how too many people use the world and today's culture as a standard to how we are to live. I was thinking  how many people look around and say it's excepted by culture. Well let me tell you there are a lot of things excepted in "culture" sex before marriage, drunkenness, doing drugs, divorce, and the list goes on. Since when does culture decide if something is right or wrong. This is not okay in my book.

Wake up people this is a wicked and evil world we live in. The Bible says in Romans 12: 2 "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will." Is this too hard for us to understand? Again I say wake up! Measure your standards upon God's perfect example. I want a life that is pleasing to God, not one where I go to church on Sunday and party all week long. I don't party I don't think that sounds like fun and besides I usually go to bed by 9:30. Lame I know but it's what I do.

Wake up because the world around you is going to fade and what we as Christians look toward is the Kingdom of Heaven. There will be a day, a glorious day when Christ will come to bring us home and He is coming for a spotless bride. Don't get your morals mixed up in the world's view. Don't be conformed to the world but transformed. Today is good Friday, the day we remember as the time when Christ was crucified on the cross for our sins and the sins of the world. Don't be sad and remorseful. Be glad and rejoice because we know the end of the story. Christ defeated death and rose from the dead. He is our savior and I will rejoice in these days and forevermore because I have been saved and washed clean by the blood of the Lamb, God's perfect Lamb. Christ is coming back are you ready?

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