Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The First Step Torwards a Goal

    On August 21, 2011 I turned 20 years of age. I have been preparing myself for this day ever since I turned 19. I knew this day was coming and it just plain scared me. I prepared myself so much that I was telling people I had turned 21! The things in life that scare me the most are not the normal.  Things such as snakes, spiders, storms and heights. No, the things that upset my stomach and make me feel faint are new situations (at church or school), failure, and taking tests (of any kind!). I can't tell you how nervous I get when you mention a math test or getting a drivers' license. This year has been a good one and I'll tell you why.

    I set some goals for 2011 and wrote them down back in January. I have not completed all of them but still plan to. So far I have exercised more, been involved in Bible study and the one that frightens me most, signed up for college classes! I have had this one on my to do list for 2 years. I am finally on my way to getting my college degree. I have chosen my major and I need all the prayer I can get with continuing and succeeding. My verse for this year has been Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength."

    As I journey through life this year I pray that God will open my eyes to the opportunities He has placed before me. That I may follow His word and plan for my life and live a beautiful and fulfilling year. I want to remember this year as being the year I was fully devoted and fixed upon Him. I am so ready and excited to see what God will do in the up and coming months and I can't wait to share them.

Lord, I pray that you make me a bold servant of Your Kingdom. Take me and use me. I am ready and I will go. I am scared and I need Your guidance and protection from the evils of this world. Equip me to be a good servant of Your will. May my life exemplify Your love and Your truth.
In Jesus Name I pray, Amen


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