Monday, November 14, 2011

All are Welcome!

Recently I have been struggling to invite people to church. I have reasons as to why they wouldn't fit in or how they probably wouldn't like it. What am I thinking? Who am I to say they won't fit in? Am I crazy or something? There is a world full of people who need to know Jesus Christ the Savior of all and I'm just going about life. I was driving home last night and it hit me. Jesus Christ died on a cross for the sins of the world. The WHOLE world! Not just the rich, good looking or successful people. As I thought of the people that I had recently thought of inviting, I felt guilty because I missed an opportunity to share God's love. I may never get that opportunity back. The good news is that I am still on this earth and tomorrow is a new day! Make each day count and ask God to use you. If you ask Him to use you He will. Don't be scared when He puts people in your life and circumstances you never thought of. Trust Him and ask for His strength and guidance. Often times I say I'll wait until I'm more spiritually mature and then share Christ with them. Well guess what, the time is now. Don't waste another minuet to share Christ with a friend, family member or stranger! We are called to make disciples of men. (Matthew 28:19) I don't need to worry about what they think. All I need to do is invite them show them love and let God work in their life.

Lord, give me the strength to witness everyday with my actions, my words and my thoughts. Help me to show Your love, grace and mercy to all. I need You to lead me and direct me in the plan You have for my life. Give me clean hands and a pure heart and prepare me for each day. Lord use me to lead others to You and Your promise. Amen!

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