Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Pray for One Another

Prayer is an easy thing for me. I can lift up needs of friends, family, and even my own concerns. When I don't know the words to speak I simply say "Lord you know the need, show yourself and give guidance" its just that easy. When you have a relationship with the Lord, prayer is communication with Him. Studying God's word, being in prayer, seeking His guidance for your life are all ways to draw closer to Him.

I have had some things to think about over the past week and I'm still not sure what to do. I was overwhelmed when I heard my sister say "I've been praying for this situation for a year now." I had no idea. I ask myself why me? why now? It's been years. I am overcome by a feeling I've never had before even as I type this now. 

I've always prayed for God's direction, for His guidance, and for Him to just lead me in the right path. Now that it might be happening I'm scared to death!!! I know now that you are never really ready but you always have a way to communicate your concerns to God Himself for reassurance. 

I love praying for people. Its simply but makes a huge difference in their life. Now that I know what the receiving end feels like I'll make sure to also pray for understanding. Sometimes those we pray for will have no idea what is happening to them. I want people to be drawn closer to God and not be scared of what His plan might be for there life. I am excited to begin a new journey but I will also be in more prayer than ever before. When the journey is God's you will need to follow His map otherwise you'll be lost. Be in prayer for each other. You will be amazed by the way God will work in your life and those who you are specifically praying. 

Jill Emily

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