Thursday, April 16, 2015

Good Isn't Enough

Do you ever ask yourself "why do I need God?" You might even say "I am a good person and I'll go to heaven because of that." Well I am sorry to have to tell you this, but you are not good enough. There is no one good enough. In fact, even if you where awarded "best human on earth" or "greatest person" that wouldn't be enough. You could give all your money to the poor. You could abstain from drugs, alcohol, and sex. You could go to church every Sunday. You could lead a Bible study. I think you get the point. None of these things will get you into heaven The Bible says "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" Romans 3:23

There is good news I promise. Although you can't be good enough, there is one who lived, died to pay a debt we could not, rose from the dead, and is alive! You could ask "why would someone pay a debt I owed?" Well, you might just get a plethora of varying answers and you would probably still be very confused. What I can tell you is that love is a powerful thing. If you have loved ones in your life you might be able to understand a little of this self sacrificing affection, but certainly not to the extent that God almighty showed when He sent His one and only Son to hang on a cross and pay the sin debt that you and I owed.

Now, if you think "well I'm not a sinner. I'm a really good person." Oh boy, oh boy! I bet you can think of a time or two when you weren't as good as you thought. If not, ask a friend or family member. You might be sorry you asked though. Keep in mind that a sin can come in all shapes and sizes (thought, word, and deed). Yeah, you know you're a sinner, don't you? The good news is that Jesus Christ paid our debt and he offers us a plan of salvation. He wants us and He was willing enough to die as our sacrifice. You are not going to find that kind of love from any other. Its offered freely. You just have to ask for it.

"You plead my cause, You right my wrongs, You break my chains, You overcome, You gave Your life to give me mine, You say that I am free. How can it be?" The answer is that Jesus loves you that much and is asking that you love Him in return by living your life for Him. Give your life to Jesus Christ and gain everything.

The song is by Lauren Daigle "How Can It Be" I can't stop listening to it!

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