Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Day

This morning I write to you with so many thoughts flooding my mind. So please forgive me if this post ends up being a bit scattered. First, let me start off by saying Happy Memorial Day! As I was walking on the beach this morning I was thinking of the families, friends, and loved ones who will be celebrating today. Many celebrate with those who have served and returned, but many will spend today longing that their loved ones were still with them. I am overwhelmed with thanksgiving for those who have laid down their lives in service to their country.

The beach is beginning to fill up as family and friends gather. Flags are flying high attached to tents, vehicles and anywhere else they might have a chance of flying without having to chase them down the beach. People are sporting their red, white, and blue. The country music is playing and the party is starting. I am proud to call this my country.

Let us never forget the sacrifices made in order that we may have the freedom we often celebrate. Please remember those who gave their lives in service to their country.

"Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends." John 15:13

- Jill Emily

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