Wednesday, August 24, 2011


    I have decided to study the book of Philippians. I love reading the New Testament, and I especially love reading Paul's letters. I have read through this book before but because God's Word is living you can't read something and cross it of the list. Each time you read it God may reveal something to you for that moment in your life. Paul starts off with a greeting to the saints in Christ Jesus in Philippi. Here is what I am amazed by every time,  
   "3 I thank my God every time I remember you. 4 In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy 5because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, 6 being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." (Philippians 1:1-6)

    As I read this I saw that Paul, a man in prison for the Gospel of Jesus Christ is praying for all of those in Philippi. Sometimes in life we forget just how important prayer is. I know that there are times in my life when all is well and I forget to be in constant prayer. I have also experienced the bad times when all you do is pray and ask God why me? We need to live a life of prayer.

    I attend a church on Sunday nights that consists of mostly high school and college kids. My first time there I heard some of the kids pray for some individual prayer request that were made. I was overjoyed as these kids were stepping up and offering there cries for help, healing, guidance, and so much more to the only One who will hear and answer them. I then realized that as a fellow Christian I was to pray for them and their walk in Christ as they journey through life. Paul has set that example in his letters.

    My prayer list is always getting larger as I meet new people and enter new situations. There is so much to pray for and to learn from prayer. I heard somewhere that sometimes God says yes, sometimes He says no and sometimes God says wait. The hardest thing for me is getting an answer I didn't want. The truth is that God knows what is best for my life and He will never give me anything I can't handle.



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