Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Church Awakening!

So, hello to all who might find themselves reading my little posts! 

I have just started reading "Church Awakening" by Charles Swindoll. Wow! I am only through the introduction and first chapter. Here is a quote found in the first few pages.

"When the Church is absolutely different from the world, she is invariably attracts it. It is then that the world is made to listen to her message, though it may hate it at first." - D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones 

So is it safe to say we are to look different form the world? Yes! We are not suppose to fit into a box the world has for us. We are to stand out! We are to look different so that we attract the world. Those who are unsaved are in desperate need of what we have. You are walking around with the "cure" for a dying world. What are you doing about it? 

This week in church our sermon is on Galatians 2: 19-20. 
19 “For through the law I died to the law so that I might live for God. 20 I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

If it is Christ who lives in us then what are we afraid of? Christ did some amazing things while on earth and this verse is saying that He now dwells in you! Do what you are called to do. Stand up and defend the gospel in your school, workplace, your home and yes in some sad cases your church! We have been made for so much more. Don't settle for anything less than what God has in store for you. He loves you and wants to reveal His plan for you life. Let Him! 

Okay now I'm done. I just thought someone ought to know that being joyful for the Lord is nothing to be ashamed of but rather excited about. "Lift my hands and turn around, see the light that I have found! Oh the marvelous light, marvelous light!" 

- Jill


  1. Amen! Thanks for sharing and infecting me with that same joy in the Lord! :-)

  2. A great reminder! I deifinitely want to read that book!
