Wednesday, July 23, 2014

I'm Back!

Well hello there,
I know I have not posted in some time now. Life has been busy lately and I simply have no other excuse. I wanted to give an update on where I am in life. I enrolled in a Bachelor degree program close to home and I am proud to say that I have (so far) received all A's! I should be graduated in the Fall of 2015 with a degree in Supervision and Management. I guess that means I should know how to manage a company or something of the sorts. I am working as a gardener and as you can imagine Summer is a busy season for a gardener. My goal is to own a landscaping business and plant nursery one day. After a few hours of working in the Florida Summer heat I find myself drenched in sweat, covered in dirt and ready for a much needed shower. I come home everyday thinking that a desk job wouldn't be so bad after all. I am thankful that I only signed up for one class in the beginning of the Summer and that I have some time to focus on work before school goes back in August.

Although I stay busy with work and school I have always wanted to volunteer somewhere. I was presented with an invitation to provide music at a hospice facility and gladly accepted. I played the piano one time before I found out that the real need was in the kitchen. I have volunteered to prepare meals for the patients and I have enjoyed it so much. I am a firm believer in giving your time towards volunteering somewhere. Although the reward is not monetary it is absolutely well worth it!

I am closing the Summer out with a trip to Nantucket. I have never been but I am so excited to see the Island. I can't wait for the slow pace, calm, sea life experience not to mention the fact that it will not be scorching HOT! I love Florida but a change in the weather will be nice for a few days. While on Nantucket I will ride the bike trails, see the lighthouses, explore the beaches and taste my very first macaroon. Which is from what I understand a must while on the Island.

When I return from my short escape from real life, school will start, work will still be here and I will become a crazy woman once again but until then I am enjoying a hot Florida Summer with dirt under my finger nails and days of spending hours in the garden. I really do love being in the garden!

I leave you with this because it's one thing that I am struggling with right now. In the midst of the business that we call "life" where does God fit in. Is He tossed to the side and added when you can squeeze in a Bible verse? Is He called upon only when you're facing a trial or sticky situation? Does He make it on the "to do" list? I find myself rushing through my Bible reading to make sure I can check it off. I don't want to miss out on what God has in store just because I think I'm busy and need to check Him off my list. I challenge you to make quiet time with God. Be still and listen to what He has to say to you right now.

Psalm 46:10

Jill Emily

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