Monday, March 5, 2012

The Words you speak and the Thoughts You think Matter!

What will you do when you are tempted to sin? Sometimes you don’t always feel that you are falling into a trap. The world disguises sin very well. What seems like innocent fun turns into what I call “sinful funny”. It happens too often between guy and girl. What starts out to be friendly conversation or conduct soon goes awry. I know I am not the only one out there that would like to see guys and girls treat each other with respect. I mean what girl really wants to be treated and talked about like a piece of meat? And what kind of guy would actually treat a girl like this? Where is the respect?

It irks me to see girls throwing themselves at guys. These poor guys have enough to deal with. We don’t need to add to the mess! Wearing seductive clothes and flaunting yourself will only hurt you in the long run. If you are a Christian girl you should know that the only love you need comes from God the Father. What are you doing to cause temptation in the lives of your friends?

We can joke and have fun with our friends and there is nothing wrong with that but what are we spending our time discussing? Are we wasting our breath in meaningless conversation? Are we encouraging others to be the best they can be? Are we holding one another accountable to the Bible? Are we truly behaving like children of God? When we joke about sin aren’t we just laughing in God’s face?

 “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things.” Philippians 4:8

If you are truly a Christian shouldn’t you care about the words you speak? You may think it doesn’t matter but one day you will stand before the Lord to be judged for EVERYTHING you have done! If you are a child of God wouldn’t you want to show the world? Are we ashamed of our Heavenly Father? Are we ashamed of the gospel? People of God rise up!


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